About Us

SiFu Henry Araneda was born in Sydney Australia and began his martial arts training at a very young age in various styles. He is the head instructor and founder/owner of the Ultimate Martial Arts Academy est 2004.
- President of the International Applied Wing Chun Federation
- Award Winning Competitor.
- Pan American San Shou (Full Contact) Champion.
- Graduated In Sports Methology and Planning for Martial Arts Competitions, course provided by Shorin Ryu Karate Do Chilean Association.
- Qualified SiFu - Shaolin Hung Gar (Lam Family System)
- Expert Chin Na and Shuai Chiao practitioner.
- Tae Kwon Do Black Belt.
- Qualified SiFu - Applied Wing Chun (Bai Si Disciple of Grandmaster Duncan Leung).
- Author to multiple articles published by various magazines worlwide.
- Qualified Martial Arts Instructor certificate issued by Colonel A. Benavente.
- Founding Member of The International Applied Wing Chun Federation.
- Certified Instructor under The International Martial Arts Alliance.
- Certified Master under The China Foshan Martial Arts Association.
- Teacher and trainer to many award winning competitors.
- Martial Arts Consultant and Stunt Double in Wong Kar Wai's film The Grandmasters
Kids, Teens & Adults Martial Arts